Pine Ridge Presbyterian Church

Pineridge Blog

Well, I didn't see that coming!
by Anonymous | February 12, 2021



Well, I didn’t see that coming! Of all of the scenarios I imagined Sunday, the Chiefs never even getting off
the bus to actually play in the Superbowl was not one of them. Gosh, was that painful or what? I asked Sunday, “Will the Superbowl be a fairy tale or a reality show?” Now we know—it was a very, very harsh reality show.

Who were those guys? The Washington Generals? The 1969 Baltimore Orioles who lost the World Series spectacularly to the Miracle Mets? The last picked in gym class? Whoever they were they were outplayed, out coached and just plain out of it.
But this is where, as your spiritual advisor, I remind you that while the current season ended badly, it is but one episode in an
ongoing miniseries. OK, so season 3 of Showtime ended in a tearjerker, but we can look forward to many more seasons to come. I know it probably doesn’t assuage the pain right now, which feels like a deep, deep bruise. Remember, if it doesn’t hurt, it won’t heal, right? If it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger, right? Rub some dirt on it. After all Luke did not defeat the Dark Side in the first movie. Harry Potter needed seven books to finally be able to learn to use his innate magical gifts to overcome the Dark Lord. And although this may look like a dead end now, it may a just be sharp turn. We just cannot see where the road leads. What was true on Sunday morning is still true: God loves you; Life is hard sometimes;
Life is beautiful sometimes; We are more fragile than we know, so enjoy the moment; Stay tuned and keep the faith…
See what I mean,

Patrick Mahomes: Luke Skywalker
Tom Brady: Darth Vader
Andy Reid: Yoda
Travis Kelce: Han Solo
Tyreek Hill: Hyperspace

Patrick Mahomes: Harry Potter
Tom Brady: He Who Shall Not Be Named
Andy Reid: Dumbledore
Travis Kelce: Hagrid
Tyreek Hill: Harry’s wand