Pine Ridge Presbyterian Church

Pineridge Blog

Connect to Worship
by Anonymous | February 26, 2021

Connect to Worship



Last March it seemed very odd to preach to an empty sanctuary.  Then once we got the hang of it, Livestream worship seemed something that could fill the gap until we could return. But now almost a year into it, I have to say it has been a real source of discovery, creativity and a new way to experience the presence of God through worshipping livestream.

In the past year our technology started with an iPad on a music stand the first Sunday to vastly improved audio and video streaming.  A deep thanks to Joe LeCluyse who saw the potential for Zoom webinar when we were casting about in the early days.  He really laid important groundwork which we still rely upon weekly. Thanks also to Brad Peak who has been another very valuable part of the team each week from the outset.  Brad has been great with the nuts and bolts, but also the overall sense of the message and spirit of livestream worship. Tom Reinert is our “very sound engineer” who has gone above and beyond the call to improve both the audio and video. Zach Esker is the “new guy” who runs the Zoom feed and the cameras who works endlessly to finding the very best way to Livestream and make us laugh. Boo-yah Special Ops!  Ben Corwyn is a very gifted musician who always provides the perfect music in our ever-changing format. Buzzy LeCluyse has been a tremendous leader both in worship and in planning what’s next in worship. The musicians on the Praise Team and the Bell Choir have been very generous with their time and talent. All of the many folks who have participated in the virtual choirs and provided recorded special music have added both beautiful music and familiar faces each week. And Dale Bolyard not only continues to provide beautiful and meaningful music during the service, but he is also very involved with the putting together and managing the Sunday morning production. Virtually (no pun intended) all of the video pieces-- children’s programs, the Christmas Eve Service, offertories and something video almost every week has been done by Dale. Thanks to all who have helped get us where we are today.

And thanks to all of you who have kept coming back week after week. Thanks for your patience and support. Thanks for your feedback and assurances. Thanks for your virtual presence. Thanks for helping me to learn that it’s no longer Zoom worship, but truly Livestream worship that also happens on Zoom.