Pine Ridge Presbyterian Church

Special Music Events

A Joyful Noise

The Psalmist declares "Make a Joyful Noise!" (Psalm 100) Pine Ridge's Music Events seek to share God's gifts of music with everyone and exist to promote and nourish the performing arts in our community. We seek to provide uplifting and inspiring musical offerings while sharing outstanding ensembles and talent for our congregation and community to enjoy. All are welcome!

Parkville Symphonic Band Concert

Tuesday, December 17th at 7:30pm

Join us for an evening of popular and traditional Christmas songs and carols, concluding with a sing-along of all-time Christmas carol favorities. Admission is free!


Stay Tuned for Details on Future Events!


Friday, January 31 @ 7:00pm – Prairie Classical

Saturday,  February 8 TBD (Check back for more details) – Adam Swanson

Saturday, February 22 @7:30pm - Northland Symphony Concert

Sunday, March 9 @4pm - Philharmonia of Greater KC

Saturday, Mar 22 @7pm - MAPAA