Pine Ridge Presbyterian Church

Vision & Beliefs

Pine Ridge Presbyterian is a Matthew 25 Congregation

Matthew 25 Congregation

Pine Ridge Presbyterian Church is committed to being an active part of the Matthew 25 Church Movement. As our congregation moves more toward inclusion, racial reconciliation, and following Jesus’ example of love and service, we join other Presbyterian Churches in the Kansas City area and across the country that, “are called to act boldly and compassionately to serve people who are hungry, oppressed, imprisoned and poor.”

We seek to integrate our being a Matthew 25 Church into all aspects of our church life as we, “are uniting in common mission with Presbyterians to become a more relevant presence in the world.” Some of the ways we live out being a Matthew 25 Church is through our partnership with the Ethiopian Christian Fellowship Church sharing Children’s Sunday School and Youth Group with them, our reFRESH and Deacon’s Assistance Ministry Programs, and our ongoing anti-racism efforts.